B.P. Power Engineering Co.,Ltd. was established on 6 May 1988 by Mr. Boonyen Reantong with capital registration of 1 million THB. The factory was based in a shophouse in located at Lat Phrao Soi 41, Bangkok. First, it started with production of power unit and hydraulic press modification.

Company History
1994The company moved it's office and production facilities to Lad Phrao Soi 71 in Bangkok.
1994Manufactured C-Frame press machine.
1999Invested in purchasing a CNC Gantry milling machine "HAFTFORD" model HB-2120 size : 2000 x 1200 x 700 mm.
2000Increase its capital investment from 1 million THB to 8 million THB in order to expand the factory and investment in equipment machine.2004In August 2004, To satisfy the customers’needs in every aspect, company decided to move the entire plant to Chonburi. With factory area 1,260 square meters.2005In November 2005, company increase its capital investment from 8 million THB to 60 million THB to support the business growth that has been substaintially increased every year.2005In April 2005, Invested in purchasing a Double Column Machining Centres "HAFTFORD" machine model HB-4210 size : 2000 x 4000 x 1000 mm.2005In September 2005, Invested in purchasing a Conventional Lathe "L&L" machine model TLA-34 size : 5230 x 2500 x 2000 mm.2006In July 2006, expand the factory area from 1,260 square meters to 2,750 square meters to serve customer's demand.2007With the dedication of employees and effective production process procedures. The company has received the quality management system certification according to the international standard ISO 9001:2008.2008In March 2008, Invested in purchasing a Horizontal Boring Mills "FEMCO" machine model BMC-135.2008In August 2008, Invested in purchasing a Vertical Machining Centres "HAAS" model VF-3 size : 1016 x 508 x 635 mm.2009In February 2009, Invested in purchasing a ARC WELDING ROBOT "PANASONIC" machine model VA-1RAR81 Y05.2011In July 2011, the management group of B.P. Power Engineering Co., Ltd. has registerd new company under the name B.P. Power Engineering Group Co., Ltd. with a registered capital of 1 million THB to operate the business of manufacturing, installing and repairing machinery.2011In October 2011, invested in purchasing a Double Column Machining Centres "HARTFORD" machine model AHC-3210 size : 3050 x 2900 x 1070 mm.2012In March 2012, expand the factory area from 2,750 square meters to 4,200 square meters to expand the production capacity to meet the needs of customers.2012In May 2012, B.P. Power Engineering Group Co., Ltd increased its capital investment from 1 million THB to 5 million THB.2012In September 2012, invested in purchasing a CNC Lathe "GOODWAY" machine model GS-3000.2012In September 2012, invested in purchasing a ARC WELDING ROBOT "ARC" machine model AII-B4L-DM500-WTC.2012Manufactured large capacity Straight Frame machine.2012Introduce new product of Briquetting machine to the market.2013B.P. Power Engineering Group Co., Ltd increased its capital investment from 5 million THB to 25 million THB.2013Invested in purchasing a Double Column Machining Centres "JohnFord" machine model DMC-6000W size : 6000 x 4000 x 1000 mm to support higher production capacity.2016In December 2016, B.P. Power Engineering Company Limited purchased of shares of BP Power Engineering Group Company Limited by increasing the registered capital from 25 million THB to 60 million THB.2017Bring the machines to exhibit at the Metalworking Machinery and Technology Exhibition "Metalex 2017"2017Introduce fully automation production line to the market.2018In September 2018, we still focus on continuing to grow and develop the organization. as well as increase the capabilities of employee in the organization to grow into the global market in the future stably and has been certified for the international quality management system ISO 9001:20152018In August 2018, invested in purchasing a of CNC Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) "ACCRETECH" Serise XYZAX mju NEX with high resolution to control product quality.2018In November 2018, bring the machines to exhibit at the Metalworking Machinery and Technology Exhibition "Metalex 2018"2020In June 2020, invested in purchasing a CNC FIBER LASER CUTTING "DNE LASER" machine model D-FAST1530 FCC1000W-YLR.2020In October 2020, invested in purchasing a CNC TURNING CENTERS "YOU JI" machine model YV600-E.2020Invested in purchasing a Surface Grinder Machine model ESG-1640TD.2020Research and develop complete recycling lines and ready to lunch to the market.2022In April 2022, a 150 kWp solar power generation system was installed as part of helping to reduce global warming and increase electricity security.2022In June 2022, invested in purchasing a Fiber Laser Cutting Machine C3.